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Signing up for an online account is something we do so often that we lose track of all the websites we’re subscribed to. You’ll only remember when they send you. In case you’ve somehow managed to avoid the growing hype, on August 21, a solar eclipse will pass over the United States. The Captive Full Movie Online Free. And to protect your eyesight when staring. Read the Latest Entertainment and Celebrity News, TV News and Breaking News from

Watch Out for Counterfeit Solar Eclipse Glasses. In case you’ve somehow managed to avoid the growing hype, on August 2. United States. And to protect your eyesight when staring into the sun, you’ll need protective glasses. Naturally, though, there are already sketchy retailers out there peddling counterfit eclipse- watching gear, that might not appropriately protect your vision. A post from Quartz warned against counterfeit eclipse glasses that are being sold on Amazon by companies that don’t normally make astronomical gear. One seller, for example, also sold fidget spinners. Of course they did.)According to NASA, you should check if your glasses fit these criteria: Have certification information with a designated ISO 1.

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Have the manufacturer’s name and address printed somewhere on the product. Not be used if they are older than three years, or have scratched or wrinkled lenses. Not use homemade filters or be substituted for with ordinary sunglasses — not even very dark ones — because they are not safe for looking directly at the Sun. The American Astronomical Society has approved these five brands for buying eclipse glasses: American Paper Optics, Baader Planetarium (Astro. Solar Silver/Gold film only), Rainbow Symphony, Thousand Oaks Optical, and TSE 1. However, many counterfeit companies also use the names of the approved companies on their glasses.

NASA and the American Astronomical Society will approve more brands in an upcoming post, and retail stores like Walmart will likely soon begin selling approved eclipse- viewing glasses. These counterfeits aren’t necessarily dangerous to use, but there just isn’t a guarantee that they’ll protect your eyes. Solar- eclipse fever means counterfeit glasses are flooding Amazon’s market Quartz.

HOTEL REVIEW. Just one night in Bangkok? Plan on longer. The red carpet is out as hotels renovate and new brands launch from luxe to casual. Watch Life Of Brian Online Mic on this page. A Bangkok business hotels.

Manage And Unsubscribe From All Your Online Accounts With This App. Signing up for an online account is something we do so often that we lose track of all the websites we’re subscribed to. You’ll only remember when they send you an email with a promotion. I know I always do. But there are many online tools that can help you clean up your footprint online.

A new tool I recently came across is Deseat. Me, a web app that scans your email accounts for services you’ve signed up for, and then puts them on a list for you to delete or keep. Now, I know that many of us are concerned about privacy—especially after it was revealed that Unroll. But Deseat. me doesn’t collect your private data or send it to the cloud, according to its developers. So, if you’re looking to clean up your existence online by closing a bunch of online accounts, this seems like a pretty safe bet. Sign in with Google or Outlook. Using Deseat. me is simple.

All you have to do is go to Deseat. Me and sign in with either your Google or Outlook account.

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If you’re already logged in to either on your browser, you won’t have to input any username or password. You’ll just be redirected to another page so you can grant access to the web app. If you’re at all nervous, I recommend looking at the site’s Privacy Policy.) Select which accounts to “save” and “delete”Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a list of websites that are “awaiting decision.” You have to go one by one, selecting which you want to save and which you want to put in a “Delete queue.” The links you put in the delete queue will be placed on a different list with a link to the website’s unsubscribe page. If you click the link, you’ll be redirected to that website so you can delete your account. If you’re not sure you want to delete the website because you don’t remember what it is, you also have the option to disregard the link by pressing the yellow caution icon next to it, which stands for “I’m not a user here.”The downside to the delete queue is it doesn’t provide links to unsubscribe pages for all websites you’re signed up for.

Only big, known websites have delete links (e. Yelp, Apple, Digg).

Whether or not delete links are provided, it’s still good to see what accounts you have opened on the Internet. If there’s no link redirecting you to an unsubscribe page, you can go look for it yourself. Deleting your Deseat. If you want to delete your deseat.