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NOVA - Official Website Hunting the Elements. HUNTING THE ELEMENTSPBS Airdate: April 4, 2.
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DAVID POGUE (Technology Guru): Why do bombs go boom? You have created fire! I could feel that puppy! How much gold is in 4. MIKE LASSITER (Refinery Supervisor, Barrick Gold Corporation): There's about a million and a half dollars there. DAVID POGUE: Oh, man! What's that gorilla doing there?
And how come rare earths, the metals that make our gadgets go, aren't that rare at all? Watch out with the hammer.
What are you…? LAWRENCE L. LARRY" JONES (The Ames Laboratory): Oh yeah. Cerium, lanthanum, praseodymium. DAVID POGUE: We live in a world of incredible material variety. Yet everything we know, the stars, the planets and life, itself, comes from about 9. You have a periodic table table.…all right here, on this remarkable chart: the periodic table of the elements. It's a story that begins with the Big Bang and eventually leads to us.
Manganese! Go! And we're made, almost entirely, of just a handful of ingredients, including one that burns with secret fire inside us all. Join me as I explore the basic building blocks of the universe…Oh! LINDSAY BAKER (Gatorade Sports Science Institute): …as hard as you can.
You can do it. DAVID POGUE: …from some of the most common, like oxygen,…LINDSAY BAKER: How do you feel at this stage? DAVID POGUE: …to the least—manmade elements that last only fractions of a second; strange metals with repellant powers; …And you're saying that this will repel the sharks.
Oh, my gosh! Uh!…poisonous gases,…Isn't chlorine deadly? THEO GRAY (Chemist and Author): Absolutely. DAVID POGUE: …in stuff we eat every day. And now, we can even see what they're made of. The dots are actual atoms? If you're like me, you care about the elements and how they go together,…Oh, the humanity!…because, more than ever,…Incoming neutron!…matter, matters. HARRIET HUNNABLE (Managing Director, CME Group): Copper is king.
DAVID POGUE: Commodities! Copper at 8. 0 cents a pound.
Can we crack the code to build the world of the future? Join me on my Hunt for the Elements, right now, on NOVA. Far from prying eyes, the ground erupts; heavy equipment moving millions of tons of earth in search of something: a secret, deep underground. I'm David Pogue. I've managed to talk my way into this hidden lair. JOHN TAULE (Miner, Barrick Gold Corporation): …probably almost a mile from where we first came in.
DAVID POGUE: Boy, I hope I can talk my way out. MIKE LASSITER: This area, here, has been backfilled. DAVID POGUE: They tell me that so much money flows out of this place, it's like a gold mine. Wait a minute. It is a gold mine!
But where's the gold? It turns out that nature has concealed thousands of pounds of the stuff under billions of cubic feet of earth. By digging, these guys are hoping to strike it rich. But that's not why I'm here. I'm on a quest to understand the basic building blocks of everyday matter. They're called the elements.
These symbols represent the atoms that make up every single thing in our universe: 1. It's a journey that dives deep into the metals of civilization, marvels at the mysteries of the extremely reactive, reveals hidden powers and harnesses secrets of life, from hydrogen to uranium and beyond. I'm starting with one of humanity's first elemental loves: gold; symbol Au. Like all elements, gold is an atom that gets its identity from tiny particles: positively charged protons in the nucleus, balanced by negatively charged electrons all around, plus neutrons, which have no charge at all. Gold has been sought since ancient times, yet all the gold ever mined would fit into a single cube about 6. Gold is unique among the metals. It doesn't rust or tarnish.
It's virtually indestructible, yet also soft and malleable. It was a sacred material to ancient people, and it's never lost its luster. The problem is it's exceedingly rare stuff in the earth's crust, and it's getting harder to find all the time. Here, at the Cortez Mine, in Nevada, high- tech prospectors are moving mountains, closing in from above and below. This rock face is about a quarter mile below the surface, and, according to John Taule, it's loaded with gold, somewhere. And what would it look like?
Like yellow, metallic streaks in the walls? JOHN TAULE: No, it's really hard to tell from the rock, because it's microscopic, you can't see the gold.
DAVID POGUE: The gold is microscopic? JOHN TAULE: Yes, you can't see it with the naked eye. DAVID POGUE: So, we're way past the days of finding big gold nuggets sticking out of the wall, going "Hey, Bob, I got one here!" We're past that now, huh? JOHN TAULE: That's correct. DAVID POGUE: Which raises a question: if the gold is invisible to the naked eye, how do they even know if they're digging in the right place? That's where Gayle Fitzwater and the assay team come in.
Every day she receives hundreds of samples of earth taken from the mine. Her job is to figure out how much gold is in them there rocks. To get at the color, it has to be crushed,…Do you want ice cream with this?…shuffled like a deck of cards,…I think I've seen one of these machines at Starbucks.…then pulverized to the consistency of baby powder. I don't see any more rocks in here, but the bad news is, I don't see any gold in here, either. The good news is that we haven't finished; there may be still gold hiding in the mix. The sample, mixed with a lead oxide powder, goes into a furnace heated to 2,0.
It's a 5. 00- year- old process called a fire assay. Using extreme heat, gold atoms are gradually coaxed away from the powdered rock. So, after all that pulverizing and crushing and weighing and firing, what we're left with is this?
These little teacups? GAYLE FITZWATER (Laboratory Supervisor, Barrick Gold Corporation): What you're going to be able to see in here is a gold bead that was recovered from that sample that you crushed. DAVID POGUE: Um, no. GAYLE FITZWATER: Okay, come on. DAVID POGUE: This is like the emperor's new teacup.
There's nothing in here except that little tiny piece of dust. GAYLE FITZWATER: That's a piece of gold. That actually weighs about a half a milligram, and…DAVID POGUE: So all that work gave you only a half a milligram of gold? GAYLE FITZWATER: …it equals out to about one ounce per ton. DAVID POGUE: An ounce of gold for every ton of rock? GAYLE FITZWATER: That's right, and…DAVID POGUE: That's a terrible business.
You'll never make any money. GAYLE FITZWATER: …when you went in the mine, and you were able to see the trucks that we had, those are 4.
If you had 4. 00 tons of material at one ounce per ton,…DAVID POGUE: …four hundred tons and one ounce of gold for each ton. At that rate, that's 2. GAYLE FITZWATER: And at $1,8. DAVID POGUE: Eighteen hundred dollars times…7. This is a fantastic business!
How do I get in on this? Turns out that an ounce per ton is pretty much optimal for the underground mine. The surface mine produces less, about half an ounce per ton. To see what it takes to get something bigger than that tiny bead, I visit the processing plant where the ore ends up. Just another day in the gold refinery.
Here too, extraction begins with crushing, in these huge tumblers. And that sets the stage for the trickiest step, coaxing the microscopic gold out of the rocky ore. About three quarters of the elements are metals, and gold is one of the most standoffish.
How an atom reacts chemically depends on how willing it is to share electrons with others, and gold is not very social. Like Greta Garbo, it "vants" to be alone. Watch Online Watch Cop Car Full Movie Online Film.
So do other so- called "noble" metals: silver, platinum, palladium, osmium and iridium, all located in the same quiet neighborhood of the periodic table. Using cyanide to react with the gold allows them to gradually reduce 4. But there's not gold in here, is there? MIKE LASSITER: There's a little bit of carbon that's mixed in with this that's changed the color on it, but I assure you that when we melt it and pour it down, Dave, we're going to have gold.
DAVID POGUE: All right, and how much gold, like, how many gold bars will this array make?