White Men Can`T Jump Full Movie In English
The Phenomenon Of White Women Who Only Date Black Men – Return Of Kings. You know who she is. The white girl with the big hoop earrings, the (fake) diamond stud in her nose, and the tattoo on her left tit of a phoenix, butterfly, or anything else that denotes “freedom” or whatever brand of profound bullshit they want you to believe about them. Every few seconds her phone is ringing out two second snippets of the hip hop track du jour, alerting her of another text from one of a few black men she happens to be “talking to” at the moment.
A “mud shark” is loosely defined as a white girl who exclusively dates or fucks black men. It’s a phenomenon that goes back as far as any of us can remember. As a black man, I feel obligated to give you readers my insider’s perspective on this trend. This is an interesting topic that has many layers so let’s jump right in and see if we can figure out why these women, who polarize our culture with their supposed taste in men, do what they do.
Low Self Esteem? The go- to explanation most people seem to use when expounding on why Caucasian females prefer black men is low self esteem, and I’m inclined to agree with this on some level. Any man, regardless of race, will admit that white men are at the top of the food chain in terms of sexual predilection among females the world over. The reasons for this are vast and can be the subject of volumes of columns, but the fact of the matter is that white dudes are pretty much every woman’s type. The low self esteem explanation fits with a lot of girls (not just white girls) because, as we all are aware of here in the ‘sphere, the vast majority of women aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on and they know it.
Sure, they can work out and look good, but at the end of the day most females these days know they’re not worth much outside of the moist holes between their collective legs. A lot of white females who gravitate toward only black men likely have self esteem issues on account of not being able to consolidate on, date for an extended period of time, or even have a one night stand with a white male. It could be their physical deficiencies (read: fat), it could be a lack of nurturing and encouragement from one or both parents during their childhood, or any combination of many different factors. Whatever the reasons, the fact of the matter is that women who have low self esteem often swim to the darker side of the ocean to feel what every woman wants to feel: to be desired. And if white men aren’t going to wife them up, date them, or even fuck them, they’ve got to fulfill this need to be sexually craved somehow and black males are often viewed as their only option. Are white men not masculine enough? About a year ago I wrote this article about my personal experience about the benefits and detriments of game for black men in the West.
White Shoulders is one of the first fragrances produced by Evyan of New York City. White Shoulders is a classic floral based on aldehydes, white flowers. The fact of the matter is that black men are portrayed by the media as natural, static alphas. For better or worse this places black men higher on the SMV totem pole. A lie is a statement used intentionally for the purpose of deception. The practice of communicating lies is called lying, and a person who communicates a lie may be.
One of the points I touch is is the assumed “alpha advantage” black men seem to have over white men: While most white men in the Anglo world have to prove their sexual fitness to women (on the “alpha fucks” side of hypergamy) there’s an unspoken sentiment that black men who are at or near the extreme poles of the financial hierarchy (wealthy and poor) are natural alphas…This assumption will push women to shit test as a function of confirmation as opposed to discovery or qualification. They will poke and prod a little to make sure you live up to the perceived reputation (to what degree depends largely on frame), but women tend to give black men the benefit of the doubt as far as congruency goes.
It’s no secret that today’s man is more effete than ever and are grossly lacking in even the most basic masculine qualities. But here’s the thing: This problem doesn’t discriminate because men of all races and nationalities in this part of the world have been victimized by the effects of feminist culture. No matter their color, every man has been neutered by the scalpel of feminism. But white men catch the most heat here in the states because A) white men are the majority so there are more to critique B) as stated before, white males are at the top of the sexual food chain which leads to C) consistent scrutiny as a natural bi- product of A and B.
What should come as no surprise to anyone here is that females are too stupid to open their eyes and realize that the percentages are all about the same across the board with regards to the alpha to beta ratio. Watch Christmas Miracle Online Mic. Their hind brains are constantly saturated by the media, which routinely portrays most black men as static alphas and most white men as latent betas. Combine that with the fact that most white women in this country have cushy office jobs and are surrounded by and exposed to beta schlubs (most of which are white men) on a daily basis, it’s no wonder most of them foolishly believe that to get their five minutes of alpha they need to spread ’em for brothers. Experimentation? We’ve all heard the term “once you go black you don’t go back” and you can bet your bottom dollar this is a phrase that permeates the circles of your garden variety pumpkin- spice- loving, reality- show- binging white chicks.
The pull of the so- called “forbidden fruit” is too strong for some not to try at least once. I read an article years ago written by a white woman who explained why she now exclusively dates black men. The post has since been removed but snippets of it can be found here. This chick was looking for a change after having been on a horrible date with a white guy whom she claimed had a red face, on account of him probably taking a Viagra before their date. That was apparently the straw that broke the camel’s back. She talked about black men’s natural ability to flirt, their natural rhythm in bed, and their smooth skin which, to her, felt like “satin and velvet made flesh.” After her first tryst she was hooked and that, in her mind, was all she needed to only surrender her flower exclusively to black guys.
This woman’s experience is certainly not an exception as it happens all over this country every day. But in order to fulfill the other side of her dualistic sexual imperative, she knows deep down that banging brothers isn’t going to be a long term excursion if she wants her slice of “Americana.”That said, it certainly doesn’t stop Caucasian women from crossing over to the dark side to feel the excitement that comes with pursuing sexual encounters with black men, if even for just a little while. Rebellion and attention? Rebellion. Over the last five decades or so it seems trendy thing to do is to rebel against “society’s norms.” The last decade, however, has seen this trend gain ungodly momentum as the number of females with colored hair, tattoos, and body piercing are increasing by the day.
I know. This is SO absurd! (I mean, it’s one thing if there were hordes of White American men and women out there sporting huarache sandals, ponchos, and sombreros.
- Breaking Bad is an American neo-western crime drama television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. The show originally aired on the AMC network for five.
- If you look at many black men in Hollywood, sports, music or hell, just the black men in the world around you, you’ll find that a lot of them have dated white women.
This is their way of “sticking it to the (white) man” and showing him that they won’t conform to their oppressive expectations and ideals. While there are a shitload of other measures females have employed to remain as non- compliant as possible, one avenue that more of them seem to be openly broadcasting is their affinity for black males. In their minds, this is the ultimate middle finger to the patriarchy, whom they feel tells them who they shouldn’t share a bed with. Attention. It’s been well documented that women are nothing more than overgrown children. Their adolescent mentalities combined with their innate lack of self esteem leads them to the overt attention whoring today’s girls are known for. It’s been said that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. To Western girls, there’s no such thing as bad attention.
So long as people are paying attention to them they couldn’t give two shits whether they’re being admired or admonished. Most of the white girls I’ve dated are serial hand holders. The moment we get out of my car and are walking around in public, they don’t hesitate to grab my hand and proudly strut around as though they were the queens of the fucking universe. Now this could be because they genuinely liked me.
This is on special, along with the other Charlie colours, at chemist warehouse at the moment, $7.99. I sprayed the 'White' on my wrist and was hit with full on citrus. And I mean fucking LOVE. When these songs come on, White People look at each other and say "Awwww yeah" or "Hell yeah" and are compelled to sing along.