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The Free Dictionarycharge (tʃɑːdʒ) vb. Accounting & Book- keeping) (tr) to hold financially liable; enter a debit against. Accounting & Book- keeping) (tr) to enter or record as an obligation against a person or his or her account. Law) (tr) to accuse or impute a fault to (a person, etc), as formally in a court of law. I was charged to take the message to headquarters. Electrical Engineering) (often foll by up) to cause (an accumulator, capacitor, etc) to take or store electricity or (of an accumulator) to have electricity fed into it. General Physics) to fill or suffuse or to be filled or suffused with matter by dispersion, solution, or absorption: to charge water with carbon dioxide.
Law) (tr) law (of a judge) to address (a jury) authoritatively. Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (tr) to load (a firearm)1. Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (tr) to aim (a weapon) in position ready for use. Watch Marked For Death Putlocker#.
Watch The Charge Of The Light Brigade Online Facebook Hack
Heraldry) (tr) heraldry to paint (a shield, banner, etc) with a charge. Hunting) (intr) (of hunting dogs) to lie down at commandn. Commerce) a price charged for some article or service; cost. Accounting & Book- keeping) a financial liability, such as a tax. Accounting & Book- keeping) a debt or a book entry recording it.
Watch The Charge Of The Light Brigade Online Facebook Hacking
Law) an accusation or allegation, such as a formal accusation of a crime in law. Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) a. General Physics) physicsa. Symbol: qor. Q2. 6. Law) law the address made by a judge to the jury at the conclusion of the evidence. Heraldry) heraldry a design, device, or image depicted on heraldic arms: a charge of three lions. Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) the solid propellant used in rockets, sometimes including the inhibitor.
US under the care of[C1. Old French chargier to load, from Late Latin carricāre; see carry]charge (tʃɑrdʒ) v. Did he charge you for it? The cavalry charged the enemy. They charged her with theft.
The air was charged with excitement. Informal. a pleasurable thrill; kick. Idioms: 1. in charge, in command; having the care or supervision: Who's in charge here? Middle English < Anglo- French, Old French charg(i)er < Late Latin carricāre to load a wagon carrus wagon (see car)]charge′less,adj.
Corvettes are dirty cars. I don’t care how many times they go to LeMans with the Z06, a Corvette will always remind me of Dirk Diggler, the 1970s, shag carpeting. Call in the air support: How Dublin Fire Brigade is using drones The force now has a growing air support unit, ready to be deployed to major incidents. Vincent Smyth needs your help today! Replacement window - **UPDATE** Wow. We've raised over 10 times the orginial campaign ammount. That is truly amazing. Thank you.
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- Define charge. charge synonyms, charge pronunciation, charge translation, English dictionary definition of charge. v. charged, charg·ing, charg·es v. tr. 1. a. To.
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A secondary school revision resource for GCSE English Literature about the subject of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's The Charge of the Light Brigade. Features. Trailer Triangle Fire: Trailer. The deadliest workplace accident in New York's history changed American factories forever. Article Anne Morgan: Advocate for.